#6 Srebrenica
The last stop in Bosnia was supposed to be Srebrenica. We took a 12-14h detour just because of the chance to get to Srebrenica. All of that way, all of those hours spent on some of Bosnia’s worst and most unsafe roads, just to reveal that there was no sign for “Srebrenica.” One would have to look for another village in order to find Srebrenica. Why? Probably because it is bad for some people if tourists visit Srebrenica since it is one of the main cases that shows how many Bosnian victims that were killed and some Serbian guilt in the matter. So no, we never got there. It definitely is on my bucket list to visit the memorial place in Srebrenica but it will just have to wait.
8000 civilian people were murdered and they do not even get a sign. There have been so many debates whether this is actually true or not and there have been so many Serbians claiming their innocence in the matter. I do not really know what to say about that but honestly, look at the amount of people that were killed these few days. The amount of people that had to stand there, waiting for their turn to die. This is one of the most disgusting acts in this war. It killed so many people's happiness before it killed them and it killed so many families and hearts. And another disgusting thing with this war is that neither parties civilians were respected at all. Especially the civilians that were put into concentration camps. They were treated like objects, not humans. This hate against the two sides was apparently enough to kill people's freedom, happiness, the feeling of belonging and feeling safe but also enough to kill the innocent as well…